Absolutely Incredible

Thursday, May 26, 2005

101 things ... I plan to do someday sometime

1.Learn to swim
2. Drive!!!
3. Cook real food more often than once a semester
4. Go to Europe
5. Have more good hair days
6. Finish the things I start
7. become a better person
8. Ski without breaking anything
9. Run in a marathon
10. Attempt a bikathon (that the right word?)
11. finish this list :)

The W

OK, whatshisname is gaaaawwwwwnnnn ....b/c he likes George W. Bush. I mean, ppl, seriously, think abt it ...I'm not asking u to like Kerry ...but what in the world makes u like Bush .... so we don't even talk anymore ...and it's all b/c of George W. Bush ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

What else happeneth in mal's world ...
O is coming :) the week after next week ... and I'm excited ...

NO excuses, zero tolerance ...BGG I shall be good, I will not be mean, I will not be horrible ... I will be nice ...and treat everybody else the way I would like to be treated ...BGG

Monday, May 23, 2005

Scratch that!

Ok, few posts down, I said "no more OD" ...scratch that! :) Pray for me ...but scratch that .... I'm living a little .... y'know good stuff like that ...taking a risk ...hehe ...God help my life.
Yeah, that's all for today ... Oh I started my internship ...I HATE long meetings ...just get to the pt ....and stop yarning and yarning ...

ok, later

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Who Moved My Cheese?

I read this book recently ... it was way shorter than any adult book I have ever read ... but it was a good bk. It was mostly talking about how we deal with life's changes ... how we can be alert and notice subtle changes and figure out what to do before it becomes a major issue ...or we can be oblivious to the little things, allow them to become big things ...

In the book, there's 2 grps of ppl. 1st grp notices that the cheese they feed on (Ok, they're rats) is diminishing, so they start looking around for new cheese deposits, 2nd grp just keeps on eating this cheese and don't think abt the fact that it could run out. So by the time it runs out, 1st grp had scouted around and found new cheese ...2nd grp shows up one day, and there's no cheese ... and they LOSE IT!!! Who, what, why ...it's so unfair, we're gonna die ... God, take me now ...there's no more food ...and it's all over ...

But after a while one of the guys who had been crying and shouting, decides to go find more cheese, u need to go thru a maze and it's difficult, but it was better than sitting and crying, so he got up and started ...but the 2nd guy would not leave, he said he didn't think there was hope, blah, blah ... so one of them finds more cheese after a long, hard struggle, the other guy ... we don't know what happened to him.

And I thot it was a pretty interesting book, cos y'all know that I'm well versed in "WHY??!! it's not fair, I wish it was all different, I wanted THAT, it's SO not fair ... and I'm not doing anything anymore cos it's pointless, nothing ever works right... boo hoo hoo" hehe ... but if it doesn't move us forward, why do it? Why do we sit ...and think abt what could have been or moan about what happened or didn't happen, and if only all that happened or not happened, I would be sooo happy ... I guess it's natural, and easier to do ...

BUT we gotta get up and find new cheese :) we can do it now, or we can do it after stewing for a good long while ....whatever works, I guess

Monday, May 16, 2005

Summer's officially here

In my book, at least. Got done with finals Friday ... and guess what, summer school starts this week :) Do they not understand the meaning of the word BREAK?!!!! oshikoshi ... newayz, I got my fix of Nign movies yesterday, haven't seen any in too long.

No more OD and I'm not saaaad, cos y'know it looked like it coulda been good .... but by the grace of God, no oshikoshi in my life. So we kinda ended on a ... this is what is best ... note, cos neither of us is about the change the ppl we are ...

Man, if u're reading this thing, I hope u're praying abt med sch for me :) thanx ... I plan to shadow Dr. Z the whole week cos I don't wanna lie in bed the whole week (I'm not working this week and I have only one class on wed night)

What else? I'm compiling a list of 101 things I would like to do while I'm on this side of heaven ... I'm interested in ur suggestions ....

and for all u ppl who I consider my friends (if u're reading this blog, u're probly one of them ... probably) ... I am grateful that u're in my life, u're cool peoples .... and u put a smile on my face .... ese pupo .... God bless u ... and may He give u wonderful friends too (besides me i.e)

So long, ppl.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Quick break

I'm taking a break from writing a paper that's due in a few hrs :) Nothing extraordinary going on today ...OD's not my enemy (there can be miracles) I hope this is a miracle ...cos fear dey catch me small. I'm writing a paper that tells my prof what I've learned in his class (but I got a B on my last paper cos it was too detailed! so I'm not too sure what to write).

Interviewed for an internship around here, need to figure out how I'll get back and forth (some ppl just buy a car :) ... snapped at AN cos he was getting in my face and I was tired ... that's all my gist for today :) gotta finish this paper. And yes, procrastination is still a sin.

Monday, May 09, 2005


OK, this is in a hurry ...cos I just decided not to reply my friend's email cos i'm busy (yet I have time to write here, why?) ...had a crazy weekend, didn't go to my church cos I'm running from oshare (!!!, see my life) ....kinda got depressed at some point, but we're blaming it on PMS, what else happened?
I'm reading this bk I got from O that is hopefully going to help me get my life on track (!) and I go to this other church yesterday ...and in June they're going to start a Bible Study grp using said bk ...I guess maybe God wants me to really apply lessons form the bk as opposed to fun readiing like the first time I read it ....maybe if I had paid attn the first time I read it I wouldn't be here now .... man! I'm praying with all my heart that OD's not abt to become my enemy ...I think this can only happen thru a miracle so I'm praying for a miracle ...actually I'm praying for many miracles and I feel like cursing meself out ...all life requires is a little more wisdom here and there, a little less foolishness here and there ...in hindsight everyting is always clearer ....but God will have mercy on me ...on us.
What else ... I'm thankful for my friends that tolerate my foolishness, and that still talk to me even when I bark AND bite. O is coming June 5th or 4th .... u see the date?
OG's leaving for Naija today, what else is happening .... oh yeah everyone else everywhere else is done with finals ....except me!!!! I'll be done by Friday, I can work hard and be done b4 Friday, and I can go to the lib and read all these books I haven't had time to read (yeah, I'm a nerd, the highlight of stuff is going to th e lib!) what can I say?
I gotta run.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A lack of impulse control

Hey ppl, was watching TV the other day, one of these Judge Judy type shows (think Judge Mathis). The girl (student in college) had karate-kicked a prof's car and damaged it. The prof wanted her to pay for the damage. (this is the kind of girl u need on ur side when someone upsets u). Anyway, judge asks prof "why do u think she did that?" Prof says "she probly has a lack of impulse control" ...ofcourse this made the girl look like she was an idiot ...but I got to thinking ...imagine if that was ... like a real prob that we could have - a lack of impulse control - and u just got around to doing all kinds of things that came into ur head. Personally I think I might have died sometime back ....thank God for impulse control :)
And then I was watching House last nite, and he wouldn't give this chick a job cos she was wearing heels!!!!! He said it showed that she was a shallow person and stuff b/c she was willing to endure pain rather than be comfortable just b/c she wanted to look good. And his point was that u can tell a LOT abt a person from the kind of shoes they wear! I'm not so tripped about him anymore, he used to be cool ... and he's letting himself be bullied into a date!

And yes, I have (thank God) repented of my evil ways and returned to my Bible (Laurera, see those talks help) ...and so I have decided that i would like "The Message" Bible, I used to want Amplified, but I read the Message online this morning and it was good reading, God and I attended to some of my issues ... anyhu, if anyone feels like getting me a gift in the near future ... you don't have to wait till my birthday or christmas, u can get me a May-gift hehe ... nah, it's cool, I'll read it online ... no pressure on all u good ppl.

Hope y'all are praying that I get into Vandy and they gimme money, and that Mr. Cooke's ppl give O money ... alright ppl.


Yeah 2nd post today!
Have u ever noticed how some ppl can make life hard for themselves. Like u ask them to ... say give u some paper from their notebk and they go find a ruler and a pair of scissors, or u ask them what's 24/6 and they go hunting for their scientific calculator ....
This page is dedicated to O .... now it's not this chick's fault that she's smart ... just give her numbers to play with..and u've made her day. There's like nothing she cannot do with numbers. For her birthady, we should all find some really complex math problems, and call her all week as we try to find the solns, for real, she will be HAPPY. She used to read her C++ bk for FUN after we graduated, and then she got a new computer and she was all SOOO tripped cos she was doing some programming on it ... obviously she's not ordinary. She took Calc I, II, maybe III, she did not need to - she's in med sch, no calc necessary ...but she loved it!

Now, since I was in Philly on Mon, I went to work with the girl, she tutors Upward Bound (high sch) and SO they had this math prob on the board, and the guy that put the question there said they would wait for the math expert to get to it (and to my shock and surprised delight, this math EXPERT was my friend O) ...I said OK o, obviously I'm not the only one that acknowledges ur math skills - anyway, the chick starts to solve the problem ... and Tayo looks at the question on the board, and looks at O's solution .... and I'm trying to figure out if she's doing the same prob I'm looking at ...cos I swear I do NOT see the correlation. It's a word problem, but this babe is pulling (x+1) and (x-1) from all corners. So I start to laugh (u know me), so she tells me to solve it, which I do without a SINGLE x (go, Tayo) ... and she goes, yeah, but u need to put it in a formula, or find a formula or something ... Of course, I understand what she's saying ...kinda like - use the educated approach, cos my approach was the uneducated one - but I GOT THE ANSWER. Actually we don't know that for certain, cos the book didn't have answers, and my dear friend was still tyring to figure out how to stick her (x+1) into my solution ... I think she gave it up cos I was laughing tho.

But there's one thing that's been on my mind tho ...they had a 2nd prob, u solve it by dividing the two numbers ...but this other tutor said "we should examine other ways of solving the prob" so he multiplied the same two numbers!!!!! Now my question is: In what world do u get the SAME answer when u multiply and divide the same numbers .... and nobody yarned .... the other tutors, the students ....that was slightly bothersome...but anyway, I have a friend who's a medical student AND a math expert ...and I'm vewy pwoud of her.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lincoln Pride!!!!!!

Just got back from LU this morning, I had an awesome weekend; the kind that puts a smile on ur face everytime u think about it. Absolutely wonderful ...it was just so good to see everyone and catch up ...
speaking of which, I think I understand better that thing about how a child gets antsy when the family gets a new baby ...b/c he loses all the attn. I was going to pout at LU cos I wasn't getting my usual attn from the ppl who usually drowned me in their attn ...but their families were around - baby sisters they hadn't seen in 4 yrs, dads, uncles ...so I kept on talking about how I was being ignored :) ...but i got over it and talked to the ppl who had my time ... I had fun as soon as I stopped pouting. Whaddya know, the world doesn't revolve around me EVERYDAY, from time to time, it revolves around other ppl. Then I went to O's house ... that was cool, and we chilled. Didn't do nothing special, but it was cool to do nothing ...like we used to :) and she burned mne the coolest CDs y'all need friends like O, she's one of those ppl that are always good to have around ... and by God's grace she's coming to OH in June to see me :) and I'm going to hide her stuff so she can never leave :) lol. O, that was a joke, pls don't change ur mind abt coming.
OK, I have a test later today, grp paper/presentation tomorrow, take home midterm due thursday, trip to Buffalo thursday nite, see my adorable cousin Rotimi in a play friday nite, back here sat ...find sometime to sleep and eat ... hopefully, with muchas help fromGod straighten the kinks in my life ...
Did u guys hear abt the new Bugs Bunny? Look it up ...