Absolutely Incredible

Saturday, June 25, 2005

K-9 Adavntix

Hello mother Hello father
Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitoes really bother
Thanx for the package that's why I'm writing
K-9 Advantage quickly stopped all the itching
Swimming, biking and tent-pitching
Thye're not biting, I'm not itching
Can't wait to show u all my new tricks
Thanx again for sending me K-9 Advantix.

I dunno why I like the song .... but no, thanx I do not need k-9 advantix. I did promise my aunt (in FL) that I'd do Ensure and multivitamins ....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

House MD

There's a guy in my class, his last name is House .... I'm planning to marry him so I can be Dr. House, ha! That would be too cool ...for those of u that don't know ...House MD ...mad cool show, Fox Tue at 9pm .... u need to watch - he's my role model ...in some ways... but on second thots ..I can just change my name to House officially ... no need to marry ppl, or maybe I'll change it to office hehehe
ok so classes start Monday ... why is the first class organic chem ... phosphodiester bonds and the like .... and of course I do not have a recollection of phosphodiester bonds ... but we already have notes for the class that we are going to have on Monday (woohoo!!!) and I'm certain that at least half my classmates would have the entire class notes memorized by then! But again I guess I shdn't start out comparing meself to the others ... I just need to have a firm grasp of what the guy is going to say on Monday ...so why oh why am I watching TV ... I've been deprived of cable for the past yr or so ...but I'm staying with my aunt for a bit .... in a couple days, cable will be a thing of the past :) no distractions from the media ... study buddies .... no sleep ....aaah! the joys of school ...and I'm actually looking forward to it. (shakes head at self)
I'm grateful ... was scared I'll be spending the summer prepping to retake the MCATs .... that would still have covered phospodiester bonds so ... guess I have to do them bonds any which way.
OK, when this movie is over ...I'll do the o. chem

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Edumare soro mi dayo :)

Hello ppl ...
yeah, I know u heard ...temitayo is a medical student .... ha! yes, I'm still in the very tripped stages ...tired but tripped ...y'all know the story about the call et al ... so I'll leave that out.
BUT got to Meharry monday morning - they lied to me tho, classes actually start next week. S'up with that? Also they have a Ms. meharry ... thot we were like deadly serious med students who didn't have time for such frivolities - she's a 3rd year dental students ... and they're going to have Mr. meharry soon, I'm thinking of running.
oooh! and we have rites of passage ...this must be my punishment for continually rolling my eyes at Babatunde! need to call him and let him know ...maybe his brother runs the rites over here ...I shd look into that.

I feel some type of way that they have to ask us not to wear short shorts and halter tops ...thot we shd all know that by now ... and then the dean is yarning ...and she says ... "u'll go get fitted for ur white coats" haaaa!!!! and we all lost it ... hehe. yes, tayo gets her white coat ....

That was monday, today we took tests!!!! that were checking our study patterns/habits, critical thinking abilities ...anyway, I apparently need to adjust my attitude towards my education, cos it ain't good enuff! But Ono says we've always known this.

yes, I feel like I'm finally beginning the process for which I left my family and came to this green-grassed land ... like we finally get to the point of the story ... all the preamble is over ....and u know I'm mad grateful to God .... sometimes I'm walking down the road ... and I just say it to meself ... I'm a medical student ...and my heart bows in gratitude to my Father .... cos they told me I couldn't do it o ... but here I am ...b/c my God does the impossible.

yeah, I'm still officially enrolled in Akron, ask me why I haven't called them yet,
my former landlord threatened to sue me this morning :) so I had a little upset for like 10 mins,
still finding a place to stay,
need to get transcripts from akron, scared they might want me to pay my fees for the summer first ...
but hey! I'm in med sch :) ...all these are microscopic thorns on a gigantic rose ....all u church-going ppl - feel free to share my testimony with ur church folk

There's 2 other nigns, 1 ghanian, 1 tanzanian, 1 camerounian and one trini in my class ... couple white ppl, one 43 yr old woman ...
so classes start next week ... but we don't have a list of books yet ....anyhow, I'll let u know how it all goes - hopefully :)

Thursday, June 16, 2005

After a short hiatus ...

I'm back!!!!!!
The devil was trying to get me!!!!!!! I said my name is Omoba, and God is keeping me, ah!
OK so what's been up ....where did it start ...the bad part first
I get paid only one-third of what I'm sposed to get paid ...(I have bills, they come up every month, come on ...just work with me, ppl)

I lost my keys one day last week, they charge 25 to open ur door and like 30 to change ur lock (when I'm not getting paid! ki le fe kin she?) ...but God in His mercy ... the guy opened the door without writing it up so no charge, and I found out I had dropped the keys in my bosses' car ...so I got them back the next day ...

OD was supposed to be in Louisiana for a summer internship, I was supposed to be in TN by the time he got back - I was NEVER sposed to see this boy again in my LIFE ....why did I get to church on sunday and see him there ...but we were nice and polite to each other, he met Ono ...we're ... friendly, at least.

Vanderbilt med sch sent me a letter that said thanx, but no thanx ...well, there's still Meharry ...I had that feeling u get when u hear somebody dies but u're still expecting them to walk thru the door ... I still have a feeling they'll call and say it was an error on their part... never give up hope, never say die ...God hasn't it's over yet.

My bank called me ...y'all KNOW it's not good when ur bank is calling u ... I'll leave it at that.

I started working with these high sch kids on Monday, I need to leave home at 6:30!!!!! and then on top that the kids give u attitude ....oshikoshi ...but we've worked it out ...I'm mean as hell, it's cool ...just do what I say when I say and everybody'll be happy.

And now the good news :)
I go say hello to my prof and he offers me a job!!!! Amen. Thank you Jesus

My friend S ...but that's gist for another day, methinks he likes ono sha, hehe

Ppl, pray abt Meharry o, they've started orientation ... I'm still in Ohio (that's NOT supposed to happen) ...
I'm really glad Ono is here ...she makes the sun come out :) EVERYDAY ....
oh and yesterday ....I felt close to overwhelmed by all these happenings in my life ...but God has taken my troubles :) and today feels B-E-A-utiful :)

Ok o, ama rira later ...hopefully
Stay connected to the Source
bye ppl

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Spinning ....

U know how things can start to spin ....and u know it's spinning but it's not out of control so u leave it ...but then... it just ... goes ... and it's definitely out of ur control and u can't stop it and u could have stopped it sooner but the little spin wasn't bad or harmful ...it's just that it took off and left the place where you have control...and now u're just watcing urself spin!

And then u sit and recollect and think and reflect ... on the things that went on in this crazy spin ... and you know u've grown because of it ... but you wonder why growth has to be a painful process... and all these things make more sense ...

OK parable over ... in English
as y'all know, I was OD-ing on OD :) and as y'all know, he is a cool guy ...for me to OD on him :) ... but we need more than coolness in life ...and the rest of the story wasn't adding up ... so I had to burst ...but I knew from the beginning that the story would not add up (and the spinning starts), but I said we were just friends (spin on) and then we're talking everyday (spin spin) and the spinning just goes off by itself ... outta my hands ... but things never get out of God's hands (for which I'm extremely thankful) ... so God stops my spinning world ... and I get to ...come down from the high ... but the whole world looks different now :) nothing's the same ... because I wonder why I started a spin that shouldn't have started ...

And I see that my life can't/won't go back to what it was b4 ...b/c that's just not enuff anymore ...not cutting it ...I need plenty more :) but it majorly starts with a revamping of my relationship with God ...b/c I read this thing abt how we can have a "ritualistic religion" ...and the symptoms were calling out my name like crazy .... (I'll post it, it's long tho) ...anyway ...I figured I need so much more than what I had b4 .... and I'm learning/seeing that ...I'm not a (good/bad) Christian b/c I'm in church every sunday, or b/c I read my Bible or pay my tithe or don't curse ... or whatever .... it's b/c God's grace covers me ...covers us all ...cos none of us are good enuff.

I'm soooo very exceedingly sorry to all of my friends - well mainly to Olu B whose head I have bitten off many times recently ...(see, he keeps putting it back when I take it off, that's the prob) ... my excuse is that I had raw emotions ... but regardless, I should never treat my friends like that ...I'm sorry, forgive me.

Yeah, so the spin has chilled ... life is settling down ...but I'm in a new place ...and I'm finding a new happy place cos I've outgrown my old one ...but it's cool ...I'm a growing chick :) ...and Ono's here !!!!!!! and OG's back .... and life will turn out well ..... always ...because God is merciful.