Absolutely Incredible

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Yeah 2nd post today!
Have u ever noticed how some ppl can make life hard for themselves. Like u ask them to ... say give u some paper from their notebk and they go find a ruler and a pair of scissors, or u ask them what's 24/6 and they go hunting for their scientific calculator ....
This page is dedicated to O .... now it's not this chick's fault that she's smart ... just give her numbers to play with..and u've made her day. There's like nothing she cannot do with numbers. For her birthady, we should all find some really complex math problems, and call her all week as we try to find the solns, for real, she will be HAPPY. She used to read her C++ bk for FUN after we graduated, and then she got a new computer and she was all SOOO tripped cos she was doing some programming on it ... obviously she's not ordinary. She took Calc I, II, maybe III, she did not need to - she's in med sch, no calc necessary ...but she loved it!

Now, since I was in Philly on Mon, I went to work with the girl, she tutors Upward Bound (high sch) and SO they had this math prob on the board, and the guy that put the question there said they would wait for the math expert to get to it (and to my shock and surprised delight, this math EXPERT was my friend O) ...I said OK o, obviously I'm not the only one that acknowledges ur math skills - anyway, the chick starts to solve the problem ... and Tayo looks at the question on the board, and looks at O's solution .... and I'm trying to figure out if she's doing the same prob I'm looking at ...cos I swear I do NOT see the correlation. It's a word problem, but this babe is pulling (x+1) and (x-1) from all corners. So I start to laugh (u know me), so she tells me to solve it, which I do without a SINGLE x (go, Tayo) ... and she goes, yeah, but u need to put it in a formula, or find a formula or something ... Of course, I understand what she's saying ...kinda like - use the educated approach, cos my approach was the uneducated one - but I GOT THE ANSWER. Actually we don't know that for certain, cos the book didn't have answers, and my dear friend was still tyring to figure out how to stick her (x+1) into my solution ... I think she gave it up cos I was laughing tho.

But there's one thing that's been on my mind tho ...they had a 2nd prob, u solve it by dividing the two numbers ...but this other tutor said "we should examine other ways of solving the prob" so he multiplied the same two numbers!!!!! Now my question is: In what world do u get the SAME answer when u multiply and divide the same numbers .... and nobody yarned .... the other tutors, the students ....that was slightly bothersome...but anyway, I have a friend who's a medical student AND a math expert ...and I'm vewy pwoud of her.


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